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导读 最新更新小松来为解答以上问题。fighter歌词,这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧~.~!1、《Fighter》的歌词如下:歌曲原唱:Chris...


1、《Fighter》的歌词如下: 歌曲原唱:Christina Aguilera 填词:Aguilera,Evan Bogart,Andre Harris,Rodney Jerkins 谱曲:Evan Bogart,Rodney Jerkins You're not alone 你并不孤单 Fighter 你是战士 Through the toughest of times 经历最艰难的时刻 You can't give up now 你现在不能放弃 'Cause you've been through the fire 因为你已经历火的考验 You're feeling the pain 你感到痛苦 But don't give up the fight 但不要放弃战斗 You gotta be strong 你必须坚强 You gotta rise up and fight 你必须振作起来,战斗到底 Ohhh ohhh ohhh fighter fighter ohhh 哦~哦~哦~战士战士哦~哦~哦~战士战士 You are the champion 你是冠军 You've been fighting your whole life 你一直在奋斗你的生命 Ohhh ohhh ohhh fighter fighter ohhh 哦~哦~哦~战士战士哦~哦~哦~战士战士 You're not gonna lose 你不会输的 Even when it's dark out 即使天黑了 You've still got to believe 你仍然必须相信自己 It's not the size of the dog in the fight 它不是斗争中的战斗机的大小 But the ones that don't give up that swing 但那些不放弃的人可以影响结果 Yeah you gotta have dreams, dreams to keep you striving and fighting and... yeah, yeah! You got to fight to be happy, gotta fight to win it all. Oh, yeah! You gonna win it all! Fighter! 你必须为了梦想而奋斗,坚持战斗...是的,是的!你必须为了快乐而斗争,为了赢得一切而战斗。

2、你会赢得一切的!战士! And if you fall down, get back up! 如果你跌倒了,爬起来! Ohhh ohhh ohhh fighter fighter ohhh 你要坚持下去,永不放弃! 你是战士! Ohhh ohhh ohhh fighter fighter ohhh 你会胜利的! 你是战士! 你会胜利的! 你不会输的! 你一定会赢的! 你一定会赢的! 你一定会赢的! Yeah yeah! You gotta believe! Yeah yeah! 你要相信你自己!是的,是的!。

