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导读 rabies virus can survive in various environments for different periods, depending on the conditions. Generally spea...

rabies virus can survive in various environments for different periods, depending on the conditions. Generally speaking, the virus can remain infectious in tissues and bodily fluids of infected animals for several days to weeks. For instance, it can stay active in a dead animal's brain or spinal cord for up to 24 hours at room temperature. However, it quickly loses its infectivity when exposed to heat, sunlight, or desiccation (drying out). In cold environments, such as frozen tissues, the virus may persist longer.

Therefore, it’s crucial to handle any suspected rabid animal with caution and ensure proper disposal or disinfection methods are used. If you suspect exposure to rabies, seek medical attention immediately. 🦠🔍要及时处理疑似病例,避免病毒传播。rabies is a serious disease that affects the central nervous system, causing fatal inflammation. The best prevention is through vaccination of domestic animals and prompt post-exposure prophylaxis in humans. 🚑尽早接种疫苗是关键。
