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尘肺病有多少种 🦠👷‍♂️

导读 尘肺病是一种由于长期吸入粉尘颗粒导致的职业性疾病,主要影响呼吸系统。尘肺病根据吸入的不同类型的粉尘和病情的发展程度,可以分为多种类...


Inhalation of different types of dust particles can lead to various forms of pneumoconiosis, which primarily affects the respiratory system. Here are some common types of pneumoconiosis:

1. 矽肺 (Silicosis) ⚗️: 由吸入二氧化硅粉尘引起,常见于采矿、石材加工等行业。

- Caused by inhaling silica dust, commonly found in mining and stone processing industries.

2. 煤工尘肺 (Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis, CWP) 🔥: 因长期接触煤矿粉尘而发生,俗称“黑肺”。

- Occurs from prolonged exposure to coal mine dust, often referred to as "black lung".

3. 石棉肺 (Asbestosis) ⚪: 由吸入石棉纤维引起,与建筑、造船等行业相关。

- Caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, related to industries like construction and shipbuilding.

4. 铁矽肺 (Siderosis) 🪙: 由吸入铁粉尘引起,通常发生在焊接和金属加工过程中。

- Caused by inhaling iron dust, typically occurs during welding and metal processing.

