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吸氧的注意事项 🧮🧪

导读 氧气是一种非常重要的气体,尤其对于那些需要长期或短期吸氧治疗的人来说更是如此。然而,吸氧并非没有风险,因此了解一些基本的注意事项是...


Inhalation of oxygen is crucial, especially for those who require long-term or short-term oxygen therapy. However, oxygen use isn't without risks, making it essential to understand some basic precautions. Here are some key points to consider when using oxygen:

1. 遵循医嘱 👩‍⚕️: 严格按照医生的指示进行吸氧,不要自行调整流量或停止使用。

Follow the doctor's instructions strictly and do not adjust the flow rate or stop using it without permission.

2. 保持设备清洁 🧼: 定期清洁和消毒你的氧气设备,以避免细菌滋生。

Regularly clean and disinfect your oxygen equipment to prevent bacterial growth.

3. 远离火源 🔥: 氧气可以助燃,所以请确保在使用氧气时远离任何明火或高温物体。

Oxygen can ignite easily, so make sure to keep it away from any open flames or heat sources.

4. 定期检查 🛠️: 定期检查氧气设备是否正常工作,并及时更换损坏的部分。

Regularly check if your oxygen equipment is functioning properly and replace any damaged parts promptly.

5. 注意安全警示标志 ⚠️: 在使用氧气时,请留意所有相关的安全警告和标志,确保使用环境的安全性。

Pay attention to all safety warnings and signs when using oxygen to ensure the safety of your environment.

