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牙周炎的症状表现 🦷

导读 牙周炎是一种常见的口腔疾病,通常由牙齿周围的细菌感染引起。如果不及时治疗,可能会导致牙齿松动甚至脱落。以下是一些牙周炎的常见症状:...


1. 牙龈红肿出血 gums inflammation and bleeding

- 刷牙或吃硬食物时牙龈容易出血,牙龈颜色变红,摸起来有些肿胀。刷牙 or eating hard food, the gums tend to bleed, and the color of the gums turns red with some swelling.

2. 口臭 bad breath

- 牙周炎患者常伴有口臭,因为细菌分解食物残渣产生恶臭。People with periodontitis often have bad breath due to bacteria breaking down food residue.

3. 牙龈退缩 gum recession

- 随着病情发展,牙龈会逐渐退缩,暴露出部分牙根。As the condition progresses, the gums gradually recede, exposing part of the tooth root.

4. 牙齿松动 loose teeth

- 牙周炎会导致支撑牙齿的骨质流失,从而使牙齿变得松动。Periodontitis can cause bone loss around the teeth, making them loose.

5. 咬合不适 discomfort in chewing

- 病情严重时,患者可能会感到咀嚼时有不适感。In severe cases, patients may feel discomfort when chewing.

如果你发现自己有上述症状,建议尽快去看牙医,进行专业的检查和治疗。Early detection and treatment can prevent the progression of the disease and protect your dental health.
