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导读 🌍 寨卡病毒,一种通过蚊虫传播的病毒性疾病,近年来引起了全球卫生部门的高度关注。 Zika virus, a mosquito-borne viral disease,...

🌍 寨卡病毒,一种通过蚊虫传播的病毒性疾病,近年来引起了全球卫生部门的高度关注。 Zika virus, a mosquito-borne viral disease, has recently attracted high attention from global health authorities. 🦟 这种疾病主要通过伊蚊叮咬传播,感染后可能会导致新生儿小头症等严重后果。 The disease is mainly transmitted through Aedes mosquitoes, and infection can lead to severe consequences such as microcephaly in newborns. 🏥 为了有效防控寨卡病毒,各国政府和国际组织正在积极采取措施,包括加强监测、提高公众意识以及研发疫苗。 To effectively prevent and control the Zika virus, governments and international organizations around the world are actively taking measures, including strengthening monitoring, raising public awareness, and developing vaccines. 🙏 让我们一起努力,保护自己和家人免受这种疾病的侵害。 Let's work together to protect ourselves and our families from this disease.
