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来月经不能洗头吗 🌸

导读 menstruation is a natural process, but its often surrounded by various myths and beliefs that can cause unneces...

menstruation is a natural process, but it's often surrounded by various myths and beliefs that can cause unnecessary stress or confusion. One such belief is that women should avoid washing their hair during their period. However, there's no scientific evidence to support this idea. In fact, keeping clean during your period can help you feel more comfortable and refreshed.

During menstruation, the body goes through many changes, including hormonal fluctuations that might make you feel more tired or sensitive. Taking care of yourself, which includes maintaining hygiene, can actually improve your mood and overall well-being. Washing your hair can be part of this self-care routine. Just ensure you dry your hair thoroughly afterward to prevent any discomfort from cold temperatures or drafts.

Remember, everyone's experience with menstruation is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. Listen to your body and do what feels best for you. If you prefer not to wash your hair during your period, that's perfectly fine too. The key is to prioritize comfort and personal preference. 🧴🌸
